Blog4kerry - He's the Real Deal

A quote from former Senator Warren B. Rudman, Republican of New Hampshire sums it up, "I think he's a moderate Democrat — very liberal on social policy and reasonably conservative on foreign policy and defense matters."

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

More on Iowa strategy. (see my posts on 11/17th and 11/19th)

I will not say it this time. ;-)

Glen Johnson has an Boston Globe article about how the Kerry campaign has realize the mistake Dean has made in Iowa by overselling his position. Glad to hear we are going to take advantage of their mistake and gain some momentum heading into the New Hampshire primary.

Interestingly, Glen mentions Tom Vilsack, Iowa’s governor in a statement about how he thinks Kerry can still win. Wonder if we are going to see an endorsement if Kerry continues to post better numbers in Iowa?
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