Blog4kerry - He's the Real Deal

A quote from former Senator Warren B. Rudman, Republican of New Hampshire sums it up, "I think he's a moderate Democrat — very liberal on social policy and reasonably conservative on foreign policy and defense matters."

Thursday, January 29, 2004


Where Kerry Should Really Focus Next Week

In the February 3rd primaries, Kerry should spend most of his time in the Arizona, Missouri and New Mexico. Hey, these states will be in play in November 04. ;-)


Since New Mexico, Missouri and Arizona are swing states (and South Carolina is not in play in the general), it bolsters Kerry's claim to be the more electable candidate if he wins all three swing states on 2/3.

Updated 2/1: in NY Times - Supporting this Post

So whoever wins here can claim to have demonstrated the sort of broad appeal that any presidential candidate needs, and done so in a state that is certain to be a battleground this fall. Missouri has been hard-fought for decades, going with the winner in every presidential race in 100 years except 1956.

Interesting Article About Buyer's Remorse in the Bush White House

Some of Bush’s political advisers take credit for successfully tarring Dean as an angry liberal, and are now suffering a kind of buyer’s remorse. They wonder whether their criticism fueled the rise of Kerry — a more formidable candidate, in the estimation of some campaign officials.

He is a decorated Vietnam War veteran, knowledgeable about domestic and foreign affairs, and has a certain gravitas and strength as a debater.

I think the Bush White House is overestimating their contribution to Dean's demise. Andrew Sullivan has a good blog that jobs may not be the only thing this administration is blind and dumb on.
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