Blog4kerry - He's the Real Deal

A quote from former Senator Warren B. Rudman, Republican of New Hampshire sums it up, "I think he's a moderate Democrat — very liberal on social policy and reasonably conservative on foreign policy and defense matters."

Friday, June 25, 2004


Blogging versus Organizing

I’ve always tried to keep my blogging and organizing separate, but I’m not able to anymore. The thirty to forty hours that I am spending a week organizing for Kerry is “killing” my posting to this site of recent.

Now I’m left pondering the worth of blogging as an armchair pundit. In the 9th CD of IL where I am organizing, we are growing leaps and bounds. We now have six established Meetups, over 700 volunteers, communication vehicles, phone lists, committees working on visibilities, fundraising, communications, etc. We have ties into the local parties and their networks and are actively building their next generation of grassroots activists. I see tangible progress, not the elusive progress of watching a counter and hoping I’m making a difference. Sigh.
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