Blog4kerry - He's the Real Deal

A quote from former Senator Warren B. Rudman, Republican of New Hampshire sums it up, "I think he's a moderate Democrat — very liberal on social policy and reasonably conservative on foreign policy and defense matters."

Wednesday, June 09, 2004


New to Me News Site– Capital Hill Blues

There is an interesting blog style news site called Capital Hill Blues. They claim to be the oldest around. I haven’t heard of them before, but hey, here is to “new” discoveries!

CHB has an article called “Has Bush Gone Over the Edge” in which the rumor mill is brewing.

There is a bizarre account by Doug Thompson about Bush’s mental stability. Whether it is entirely true I don’t know, but it probably has more truth than the garbage the Republicans used to “drudge” up on Clinton. The Republican rumor mill would have had a story like this on the Sunday Talk shows. Heck, they got a garbage story about Kerry and a staffer even on the “dignified” Sunday press coverage. Amazing the lack of power progressives have in the media.

A sensational account of an imploding George Bush is making the rounds. "President George W. Bush’s increasingly erratic behaviour and wide mood swings has the halls of the West Wing buzzing lately as aides privately express growing concern over their leader’s state of mind." So begins Thompson’s insider report. He goes on.

"In meetings with top aides and administration officials, the President goes from quoting the Bible in one breath to obscene tantrums against the media, Democrats and others that he classifies as ‘enemies of the state.’ "It reminds me of the Nixon days," says a long-time GOP political consultant with contacts in the White House.

"Everybody is an enemy; everybody is out to get him. That’s the mood over there."

CHB also has an article quoting Democratic Senators saying the Justice Department Memos Laid Groundwork for Prisoner Abuse.

Democratic senators say Justice Department memos contending that a wartime president is not bound by anti-torture principles could have laid the legal groundwork for the prisoner abuses that took place in Iraq and elsewhere.

"They appear to be an effort to redefine torture and narrow the prohibitions against it," Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Tuesday.

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